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“Independence” implies a sense of autonomy, and for an artist, it can mean creative freedom: to find themselves express their inner thoughts in the most uninhibited fashion. Something to think about is why be inhibited about getting your music heard? While it can get competitive for emerging artists who want to get their music out, guerilla marketing for independent artists can stand out. It’s an approach that you can align your values with whilst being just as quirky as your vivid imagination.
The central objective behind carrying out a guerilla marketing activity is to obtain a sense of visibility for you as an artist, but what’s unique about it is that it’s cost-effective and highly impactful. While a strong online presence is essential, what’s also equally important is how you shape your presence offline, and that’s where your DIY ethos will come into play. As consumers, we have an eye for things that look and feel different, so the curiosity and sense of mysticism that comes with guerilla marketing stands out. To top it over, it is also a sign of effort made on your part that agents and promoters will most definitely notice.
Guerilla marketing has its traditional footings in doing things in the most unperturbed fashion, where the simplest of music promotion chores can have a quirky spin to them: imagine, for example, giving out your band stickers with a limited download code for your music online. These marketing collaterals act as great talking points within your community where you are instrumental in encouraging people to create a buzz around your music. One of the many advantages of this is that all the activities you carry in a fully offline space will lead to will make their way online through word of mouth. The next time you are dropping a new song or an album, go the guerilla way, make that personal connection with your fans. Those types of kinships that you establish early on for you and your music go a long way!
youbloom is a platform that helps you as an artist to grow, sign up here and find out more: https://www.youbloom.com/artist-apply/
CityReps are at the core of what we do, and they play an instrumental role in creating our global network of local music promoters and thereby riveting live performances across the board. However, it’s not just a one-way street. There are plenty of ways in which youbloom gives back to a whole host of our local music promoters we work with aka CityReps. Let’s get right into it:
1. Expand your reach of artists, vendors and music industry professionals
While you are already skillful in your field, you will now tap into your potential of positioning yourself as an absolute expert. Your magnitude of reach in the music business will be global, cross-cultural and multi-dimensional. The role of CityRep involves liaising with every stakeholder in the business, thereby helping you in creating your own global network.
2. Time to take the lead: you manage your own army
Being a CityReps involves micromanaging a team of individuals locally, who will support you in putting on shows. You’re the head honcho for your city, which means being CityRep allows you to develop your skills in inspiring and motivating those around you to create the best live music experience in town.
3. Monetise your efforts
youbloomConnect gives you the opportunity to monetise every show you curate. The more shows you do, the better the chances are to monetise.
4. Build your repertoire
Your title as a CityRep with youbloomConnect not only gives you an opportunity to learn, grow and hone your skills, but your contacts as well. While you’re playing the role of a local music promoter, your reach, however, is going to be global. Building your expertise and network are some of the key perks of being involved with youbloom!
To find out more or sign up as a CityRep, click here: https://www.youbloom.com/cityrep/
If you want to learn more about the youbloom community follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
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Times are tough, and it’s all easier said than done but hey, who said it can’t be done! The biggest blessing today is access to the internet: a free-for-all platform to express and showcase our talent. That spectacular Instagram page you’ve created for your band is a gold mine that can foster an online community around your music. All you need to do is share your social media handles with as many people around you as possible, and encourage them to share your socials with their friends and like-minded people around them. Gradually, you’ll begin to see the snowball effect doing its trick. Read on to know how to spruce up your pages.
Make a playlist of all your best songs
Music fans LOVE to discover their next musical obsession. Here’s your chance to capitalize on that. After all, you deserve to be discovered! Create that awesome playlist of all your best songs. Spotify it, YouTube it and share it on the social media handles you’ve been developing. Feed your online community with the power of your music, because they need to hear you. Remember, fans take great pride in discovering cool new music every day.
Go live with your rehearsal today
Rehearsing at home today? Pull out of your phone, hit live on Facebook and play the songs you want your online community to see. Give them a real-time experience to know what you sound and look like! Believe in the music you’re making, and make your community experience that euphoria in you. Chances are that there’s an agent or a host somewhere in your local scene looking to book the next best talent. You ARE that talent.
A DIY photoshoot is all you need: hello Instagram!
Here’s the fun part: ALL you need is a smartphone, literally, just that. This is especially easy nowadays where most smartphones come with great cameras. Find a great location in your house ( backyard maybe?), do your shoot and post those pictures on your Instagram. Don’t forget to use the stories feature for behind the scenes footage and bloopers. It’s your time to shine!
Get in touch with bookers online for future shows: Facebook has you covered!
Every venue has a designated booking agent, and every venue has a Facebook page. The easiest way to reach out to local venues is to look through their bio and find their contact information. Shoot them an email with your social media pages. The reach you have gained over time will now pay off, bookers love acts with a good online following. Go out there and chase it.
Sign up as a Fan today with youbloom today: https://www.youbloom.com/request/
Fan devotion is a rather inherent trait we possess as individuals who are absorbed into the music of our choice, which is a by-product of our incalculable ‘love’ for a particular band or an artist. As fans, we have the power to exercise our fan – devotion in numerous ways that will help build the cultural fabric of something that we call our own: our local music scene!
Showcase your band of the week on social media
Your social media account is a hotspot of individuals engaging with one another; which is a great representation of how we exchange information in this day and age. Talking about your local bands on social media platforms is one such a piece of “information” that finds itself being exposed directly to a plethora of individuals: the process of doing so is enabling your local musicians to leverage from your reach. So go right ahead, and use your Instagram stories to share your local music!
Volunteer at local shows
Volunteering at local shows can go a million miles: not only does volunteering give you a sense of identity, but it also puts you and your scene in a position of unanimity. To top it over, providing a helping hand to your local bands is lifting a colossal amount of weight off their shoulders. Giving something back to your local music community is a great sign of fan devotion.
Buy their merchandise
Buying local merch is a common practice among fans lately, and why shouldn’t it be! Much like sharing music on social media, the act of sporting your favorite band merchandise is the most subtle way of “advertising” your love for a band. The “visual aesthetic” creates a sense of familiarity within your social circle which helps generate a great deal of visibility for local talent.
Give your local artists a pat on the back
Last but not least, your local heroes always love to hear from you: a word of appreciation gives them a boost of confidence. The next time you are at a show that you have thoroughly enjoyed, be sure to let the band know what you think!
Sign up as a Fan today: https://www.youbloom.com/request/
Live events your way.
Step into the fan-owned future of music.